New Mt Moriah AME Church Jacksonville


& Finance

Stewardship is the act of managing or directing our God-given resources and talents to advance His kingdom. Every member is encouraged to take seriously his or her responsibility to contribute to the life of the Church both in serving and in giving.


The Bible teaches to support God’s work from the financial blessings that God provides. While the Bible makes it clear that the size of one’s gift does not determine its worth or importance, it is clear that where our hearts are our treasures will be also.

The Stewardship and Finance Committee is pleased to introduce you to the envelope system of our church. These envelopes are for your tithes and offerings.

The Benevolent Offering supports the charitable funds of the church. The General Offering is the tithing offering. Tithes are ten percent of your income and offerings are what you give beyond the tithe. These funds are used to provide salaries to the pastor and other church personnel, such as the music ministers. Church funds are also used to maintain church expenses, such as gas and electric, property insurance and supplies. Besides conference obligations, the finances support the ministries of the church.

  • Tithes – 10% of your income to support the operating budget of the Church.


  • General Offering – Offering of any size to support Church operations.


  • Benevolent Offering – Support for people in crisis and for people in need.


  • Building Fund – Support for the vision of growth of the church